Friday, December 26, 2008

The Diva, Legend, Sex Kitt'n-Eartha Kitt passes away...

Famous for her purrrrrrr, Eartha Kitt was the depiction of classic elegance.  A product of a mixed relationship, Ms Kitt experienced hardship and betrayal when her black mother gave her to a neighbor and subsequently an aunt when her stepfather wouldn't accept her.  Because of her heritage, Ms. Kitt endured many prejudices.  And created controversy by calling first lady- Lady Bird Johnson on the carpet regarding the plight of the youth and their fear of being drafted to fight in the Vietnam War...which in turn, resulted in her being blacklisted.  Eartha Kitt passed away on December 25, 2008 of colon cancer. source

Eartha Kitt's "Santa Baby" (over the years)

With Eddie Murphy, as Lady Eloise in "Boomerang" (kind of fuzzy)

Eartha Kitt with daughter Kitt and 1 of 4 grandchildren

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The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Ms. Eartha Kitt and daughter Kitt

Goodnight, Ms. Kitt

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click here for Ms. Kitt's official website

check out Bria's Own Words

And on that note...

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Happy Holidays!!

I'm not sure where I stand regarding this 'holiday.'

I acknowledge the birth of Christ...I'm just not acknowledging today as such.

However, this is still the holiday season...

So to my family, friends, associates, suppporters, enemies, detractors, naysayers, haters, lovers, comedy reliefs, fare weather friends, friends thru thick & thin, I say to one and I say to all:

Glitter Graphics

Happy Holidays Glitter Pictures

For Christians who dare: 

"What Churches don't want you to know about Christmas"

check out Bria's Own Words

And on that note...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Farewell, Toot

Two days before Barack Obama was elected president of the U.S.A, his grandmother known as Toot (Madelyn Dunham) passed away from cancer at age 86, in Hawaii. On Tuesday Dec.23rd, Barack and his sister Maya spread Toot's ashes on LaNa'i Lookout, the same place their mother's ashes were spread in 1995. source

Barack and sister Maya, spread Toot's ashes

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President-elect Barack Obama and his family head down Lanai Lookout this afternoon to hold a seaside memorial for his grandmother, Madelyn Dunham. Dunham passed away two days before Obama was elected president.

LAURAY GOUVEIA | Special to The Advertise

check out Bria's Own Words

And on that note...

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Good-bye U-Haul...

Hello, Jones Big Ass Truck Rental & Storage

Toby Jones is pure comedy...this commercial is HILARIOUS!!

thanks, Father Dan!

check out Bria's Own Words

And on that note...

Monday, December 22, 2008

Now That My Uterus Has Stopped Contracting...

Baby Comments

Myspace Comments

Michelle & Jim Bob Duggar has debuted their 18th production on Thursday, December 18th. NO, not a movie or a play...but their child. Their 18th child. Not an adopted or foster child, but their shared DNA baby. Baby Jordyn-Grace weighed in a 7lbs 3 oz and 20in. long. source

(Poor thing, I guess she really doesn't have time to do her hair-j/k this is an old pic, lol)

Can I tell you, when I heard Michelle was uterus turned inside of itself? The thought of having one more baby (I have two kids) is enough to make me think 'prison really isn't that bad if you don't mind raids, cavity searches, the possibility of being shanked or being made someone's bytch. lol

But that's me. Not them. Cranking out kids, the way Rihanna cranks out records works for them. And truly they are a team. In looking at the pic above, Jim Bob seems to be patient-at least that's the feelin I get. And Michelle...well, Michelle is better than most women I know (myself included). In the pregnancy dept., I admit it- I'm vain. I'm very proud of the fact that after 2 children I have no stretch marks. Why would I chance that with a 3rd pregnancy? HELLOOO?! I can't imagine (uh-uh pop that image bubble NOW) Not only has Michelle sacrificed her body...the selflessness it takes to go thru that pain and also the labor pain ;) of having that many children. She also HOME-SCHOOLS the kids...she is seriously Superhero status if u ask me. I counted down my six weeks b4 I could go back to work.

Jordyn's sibs are: Josh, 20; Jana, 18; John-David, 18; Jill, 16; Jessa, 15; Jinger, 14; Joseph, 13; Josiah, 11; Joy-Anna, 10; Jeremiah, 9; Jedidiah, 9; Jason, 7; James, 6; Justin, 5; Jackson, 3; Johannah, 2; and Jennifer, currently 9 months. Note that there are two sets of twins source

I have seen a documentary on this family, and man- are they organized. The household is run like a well-oiled machine and the products, sundries and goods they use....well hell it's like Costco or Sam's Club is in their home. And I also remember in the docu they were proud of the fact that they've taken care of their family-ON THEIR OWN. No hand assistance just teamwork. I truly believe that having the right spouse WILL MAKE ALL OF THE DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD.

Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar were made for this.

17 kids in this pic

click here, for their reason to have an abundance of children.

To the smart azzes who are surely wanting to jump on this: ur taxes are not paying for their upkeep-their home is paid off-they didn't solicit the govt. for assistance to keep their home, nor for the feeding of their why do you think your opinion even matters?? Just for that-I hope they have 4 MORE kids...just to give u a reason to pout ur snout!


check out Bria's Own Words

And on that note...