Brandy, Not Charged in Fatal Crash

LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- The Los Angeles city attorney's office said Friday it will not charge Brandy in a deadly December 2006 freeway crash.
Brandy was involved in a fatal accident in December 2006.
Spokesman Nick Velasquez said there is "insufficient evidence" for a jury to find the 28-year-old actress-singer guilty of misdemeanor vehicular manslaughter beyond a reasonable doubt.
The decision runs counter to a recommendation from the California Highway Patrol that Brandy, whose real name is Brandy Norwood, be charged in the December 30, 2006, crash.
Brandy was driving on a Los Angeles freeway when traffic slowed and her Land Rover smashed into the back of a Honda.
That car was involved in several other collisions. The driver, 38-year-old Awatef Aboudihaj, died in the accident.source
(edited by Ivent)
I KNOW Brandy's sleeping a lot better these days!
And I know a prayer warrior who was on the battlefield interceding for her baby Brandy-my aunt Ida.
Aunt Ida lives in ...well, I won't give the town but it's a rural town in Mississippi.
(no , I won't narrow it down!)
My aunt Ida has the faith of ...goodness, well she has the faith of Abraham.

She's my great aunt, and she's in her 80's and is the most soft spoken woman I've ever come across, except when she's praying!
Then a whole 'nother Aunt Ida comes out!
When I visited my aunty last year (my 1st visit to MS), she broke out with family albums and pointed out a young lady.
I'm like "yeah, ok."
She said, "that's your cuz Brandy."
Well, upon closer inspection it was Brandy, Brandy Norwood.
I heard she was part of my family, but had no evidence.
We had a new addition to the family this year- my cuz British (I LOVE HER NAME!) became a mom, and there's pics of Brandy w/British's baby-I cannot remember her child's name-we haven't seen Brit's baby yet :(
I said all of that to say this:
I don't care what a prophelying, prosperity preachin', candle making, gift selling, silver tongued pimp/pimptress talking, snake oil selling wanna be in the name of Jesus is prostituting.
NOTHING, and I MEAN NOTHING, will bring you closer to Christ than believing the word of God, applying the word to your life, and executing faith.
I KNOW Aunt Ida wailed, beseeched, pleaded and asked God for favor for Brandy.
I know she didn't waiver in her faith--Aunt Ida had too much peace!
My quiet aunty, with enough faith to tell Mt. Everest to "GET OUT OF HER WAY"
She didn't buy a prayer.
She didn't sow a seed in exchange for a blessing.
She did it the old fashioned way.
She went before the throne of Grace through Jesus...ALONE!
" man cometh unto the Father, but by me." (John 14:6b)
Notice, the scripture didn't say to come to Father God through Eddie Long, Dollar, White (insert name of person who is falsely teaching the Bible here) or by sowing a seed of faith.
No-just come by "me"-"me" being Jesus Christ.
He alone is worthy.
That is what aunt Ida did.
Am I saying Aunt Ida got Brandy off the hook?
Of course not-but I do know God's word says the
"...effectual fervent prayers of a righteous man, availeth much." (James 5:16b)
I know Aunt Ida is NOT surprised ONE BIT, by the outcome of this situation.
Her faith is like the acacia (shittim)tree (Ex. 25:23) doesn't rot.
Keeping it real, I thought Brandy was going to get probation, to say the least.
But God.
May we all come to a place of maturity like that of Abraham, my aunt Ida and all of the wonderful seasoned saints who know the power of God and isn't easily moved by circumstances!
And I know the heavens (and our family) will rejoice when Ray J gets over his...his...alternative career in "movies."

I mean his last CD was great! I don't understand why he took 4 steps backwards. Im sure people said the same thing about me...thank God for Bigma...another prayer warrior (may she r.i.p)!
I'm not worried...aunt Ida's praying for him too...and am I!

Brandy was involved in a fatal accident in December 2006.
Spokesman Nick Velasquez said there is "insufficient evidence" for a jury to find the 28-year-old actress-singer guilty of misdemeanor vehicular manslaughter beyond a reasonable doubt.
The decision runs counter to a recommendation from the California Highway Patrol that Brandy, whose real name is Brandy Norwood, be charged in the December 30, 2006, crash.
Brandy was driving on a Los Angeles freeway when traffic slowed and her Land Rover smashed into the back of a Honda.
That car was involved in several other collisions. The driver, 38-year-old Awatef Aboudihaj, died in the accident.source
(edited by Ivent)
I KNOW Brandy's sleeping a lot better these days!
And I know a prayer warrior who was on the battlefield interceding for her baby Brandy-my aunt Ida.
Aunt Ida lives in ...well, I won't give the town but it's a rural town in Mississippi.
(no , I won't narrow it down!)
My aunt Ida has the faith of ...goodness, well she has the faith of Abraham.
She's my great aunt, and she's in her 80's and is the most soft spoken woman I've ever come across, except when she's praying!
Then a whole 'nother Aunt Ida comes out!
When I visited my aunty last year (my 1st visit to MS), she broke out with family albums and pointed out a young lady.
I'm like "yeah, ok."
She said, "that's your cuz Brandy."
Well, upon closer inspection it was Brandy, Brandy Norwood.
I heard she was part of my family, but had no evidence.
We had a new addition to the family this year- my cuz British (I LOVE HER NAME!) became a mom, and there's pics of Brandy w/British's baby-I cannot remember her child's name-we haven't seen Brit's baby yet :(
I said all of that to say this:
I don't care what a prophelying, prosperity preachin', candle making, gift selling, silver tongued pimp/pimptress talking, snake oil selling wanna be in the name of Jesus is prostituting.
NOTHING, and I MEAN NOTHING, will bring you closer to Christ than believing the word of God, applying the word to your life, and executing faith.
I KNOW Aunt Ida wailed, beseeched, pleaded and asked God for favor for Brandy.
I know she didn't waiver in her faith--Aunt Ida had too much peace!
My quiet aunty, with enough faith to tell Mt. Everest to "GET OUT OF HER WAY"
She didn't buy a prayer.
She didn't sow a seed in exchange for a blessing.
She did it the old fashioned way.
She went before the throne of Grace through Jesus...ALONE!
" man cometh unto the Father, but by me." (John 14:6b)
Notice, the scripture didn't say to come to Father God through Eddie Long, Dollar, White (insert name of person who is falsely teaching the Bible here) or by sowing a seed of faith.
No-just come by "me"-"me" being Jesus Christ.
He alone is worthy.
That is what aunt Ida did.
Am I saying Aunt Ida got Brandy off the hook?
Of course not-but I do know God's word says the
"...effectual fervent prayers of a righteous man, availeth much." (James 5:16b)
I know Aunt Ida is NOT surprised ONE BIT, by the outcome of this situation.
Her faith is like the acacia (shittim)tree (Ex. 25:23) doesn't rot.
Keeping it real, I thought Brandy was going to get probation, to say the least.
But God.
May we all come to a place of maturity like that of Abraham, my aunt Ida and all of the wonderful seasoned saints who know the power of God and isn't easily moved by circumstances!
And I know the heavens (and our family) will rejoice when Ray J gets over his...his...alternative career in "movies."
I mean his last CD was great! I don't understand why he took 4 steps backwards. Im sure people said the same thing about me...thank God for Bigma...another prayer warrior (may she r.i.p)!
I'm not worried...aunt Ida's praying for him too...and am I!
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Please know...threats of hell and bible scriptures are futile-look at your church if you don't believe me! Get your 'body of christ' in order and then come talk to me.
Yours in Reason, Bria :)