due to cruelty incurred at Myspace

*Person writing blog claims it is being written by Lori Drew
*Blog lays out Drew's would-be motives for getting involved in MySpace hoax
*Victim of hoax committed suicide after being tormented over Internet
*Drew is not the writer of the blog, her lawyer
ST. LOUIS, Missouri (AP) -- Police are investigating Internet postings of someone posing as the woman linked to an online hoax played on a 13-year-old girl who committed suicide.
A portrait of Megan Meier, 13, who committed suicide last October after receiving cruel messages on MySpace.
The woman's family believes the postings are an effort to damage its reputation following the death of Megan Meier.
A blog entitled "Megan Had It Coming" surfaced more than two weeks ago. Earlier this week, the person writing the blog claimed the messages were being written by Lori Drew.
Lori Drew's attorney said Friday that she is not the writer.
The St. Charles County sheriff's department is investigating the blog postings on Blogger.com to see whether a crime has been committed, a spokesman said.
"Any Internet message that purports to be a member of the Drew family is being managed by an impostor and undoubtedly is being done for the purpose of further damaging the Drews' reputation," the family said in a statement.
The detailed blog lays out Drew's would-be motives for getting involved with the MySpace hoax against Meier.
Lori Drew's lawyer, Jim Briscoe, said Google Inc., which owns Blogger.com, has been contacted. A Google spokesman said the company is reviewing the impersonation allegation.
Meier thought she was corresponding over MySpace with a cute boy named "Josh Evans" online. The boy never existed. Instead, Drew, her 18-year-old employee and 13-year-old daughter, and Megan's one-time friend, helped create the hoax.
When messages from the fictional boy and others on the Internet turned cruel, including one stating the world would be better off without her, Megan hanged herself in October 2006.
Drew, a mother of two in her 40s, has denied saying hurtful things to the girl over the Internet, and prosecutors have said they found no grounds for charges against the woman.
Details of the case emerged last month, and the story drew international attention.
Since then, the Drews have been besieged with negative publicity, and Meier's death prompted her hometown of Dardenne Prairie to adopt a law engaging in Internet harassment a misdemeanor.
Now, elected officials say the law's first use could be to prevent possible harassment against the Drews.
"I would say that would be a possibility, that they could be the first," Mayor Pam Fogarty said Friday. "A law is a law is a law. You can't discriminate."
Briscoe said the Drews have not asked police to look into the blog postings.
St. Charles County Prosecutor Jack Banas said he heard about the postings through the news media and asked the sheriff's department to investigate.
Banas said he had no idea if someone might be charged under the Dardenne Prairie measure. He explained any charges he brings are under state law, not under local ordinances.
The prosecutor said Internet harassment and stalking are crimes in Missouri under state law, but noted the sheriff's department is still investigating if a crime has been committed.
Whether a blogger is guilty of this or not, the fact that most likely an adult contributed to the death of this child is disgusting. Kids have so much on their plates today...to think that an adult with nothing else better to do but torment a kid...sigh...I'll just say I hope charges are brought against the perpetrator. I just wish she could've received the help she needed before she decided to take her own life.
We as parents must watch , monitor and ask our children questions. Who cares if they get upset?? THIS IS OUR JOB--TO PARENT.
If you have to utilize online monitoring devices due to not being able to get an answer of your kid-DO IT.
Sometimes we have to invade our children's privacy-it's ugly, it's unethical--but it can save our babies' lives! There are free online monitoring services-I use K9 Protection, to help me keep tabs on my kids online activities. Do they like it? Of course not, but I'm going to do all that I can as a parent to protect my kids. I am blessed that I've taught my kids thru words, actions and deeds, that it's ok to stand up for yourself-and SAY NO- and if that doesn't work, come to me or another family member and we'll find a resolution.
I wish Megan could've found her inner strength. Hopefully, her story will propel parents to become proactive, instead of reactive after their kids off themselves.
Parents: YOU BETTER RECOGNIZE, cyber bullying is real and it's dangerous. Protect your kids...if you don't who will????
Praying you've found peace at last, Megan.
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Please know...threats of hell and bible scriptures are futile-look at your church if you don't believe me! Get your 'body of christ' in order and then come talk to me.
Yours in Reason, Bria :)