Policewoman's husband to stay in jail for now
'T.C.' Crane charged with paying girls for sex; APD knew of allegations since 2000 source
cnn's story
A federal judge ordered the husband of an Atlanta police officer to remain in jail on charges he paid and photographed young girls engaged in sex acts.'T.C.' Crane charged with paying girls for sex; APD knew of allegations since 2000 source
cnn's story
The earliest Terrill "T.C." Marion Crane, 47, could be released on bond is Wednesday, when a detention and preliminary hearing is scheduled.
On Friday, U.S. Magistrate Clayton E. Scofield III denied Crane's request to be released on bond, said Don Samuel, Crane's attorney.
Crane, dressed in a tie-dyed T-shirt and dirty blue jeans, sat quietly during the six-minute hearing.
Meanwhile, federal authorities said they are still investigating Crane and his wife, Sgt. Tanya C. Crane. She was suspended with pay because officials believe she burned photographs and negatives of her husband with the girls.
Federal authorities said they have identified four of at least 13 victims.
"We are interested in finding out if there are any other child victims out there," U.S. Attorney David E. Nahmias said after Crane's hearing. "Anybody who did that [engaged in sexual acts with Crane] did not break any laws. They didn't do anything wrong."
Nahmias declined to answer questions about why it took Atlanta authorities seven years to investigate Crane or if the lapse allowed for more victims.
Atlanta Police Chief Richard Pennington said in a statement Thursday that he learned of the photographs last month and promised that "people will be held accountable and responsible for their actions or inactions as the case may be."
According to a federal affidavit, a photo technician alerted Atlanta police in 2000 after Crane dropped off sexually explicit film of minors.
The photographs show girls between the ages of 12 and 15 engaged in sexual acts in or near Crane's pickup truck and in a bathtub, according to the affidavit.
However, Atlanta police did not turn the photographs over to federal investigators until last month, according to the affidavit.
The officers who saw the photographs seven years ago "probably thought they were just dirty pictures," said Samuel, Crane's attorney. He declined to comment further.
Authorities say Crane began meeting girls in 1999 and was soliciting them as recently as June or July.
How a woman who's paid to protect and serve the public, could even show her face after finding out her hubby's a pedo, continue to LIVE with him AND not report him is beyond my comprehension. Sgt. Crane and the Atlanta PD, had the power to nip this in the bud years and didn't. I've heard that love is blind-but lady give me a break. While you're slaving away risking your life, that bootleg husband of yours was paying little girls (with YOUR MONEY I BET!) to have sex and taking pics. The man had a collection of pics...how did he have time to work? he was too busy working YOU! You'z a good one, Sarge. That rascal would've been cut 3 ways to Sunday...you betta recognize! Now he's got females turned out and gawd knows what else. When a person is molested, they usually become promiscuous. Like we need more little heffas running around here showin' their tail. I hope the judge throw the book at both of you. You're just as guilty. In my eyes you're an accessory. Y'all are nasty!
How a woman who's paid to protect and serve the public, could even show her face after finding out her hubby's a pedo, continue to LIVE with him AND not report him is beyond my comprehension. Sgt. Crane and the Atlanta PD, had the power to nip this in the bud years and didn't. I've heard that love is blind-but lady give me a break. While you're slaving away risking your life, that bootleg husband of yours was paying little girls (with YOUR MONEY I BET!) to have sex and taking pics. The man had a collection of pics...how did he have time to work? he was too busy working YOU! You'z a good one, Sarge. That rascal would've been cut 3 ways to Sunday...you betta recognize! Now he's got females turned out and gawd knows what else. When a person is molested, they usually become promiscuous. Like we need more little heffas running around here showin' their tail. I hope the judge throw the book at both of you. You're just as guilty. In my eyes you're an accessory. Y'all are nasty!
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