UPDATE:::it seems there's no truth to the rumor of Usher's marriage. Again..IT SEEMS there's no truth to the rumor. I just read (forgot where), that he recorded or is recording a duet with someone about marriage. So yeah, whatever.
Is Urshmeka a thing of the past??
I don't know what's goin on...but word in blackosphere is that these two are dunzo.
If this is true, it's sad bcuz crap always seem to hit the fan AFTER a kid enters the pic..why is that??
This story is unfolding like a chinese fan so stay tuned as more details follow.
I do have to agree with Natasha of YBF...whenever Usher has an upcoming album -HE ALWAYS generates some type of drama just to peddle his wares. IMHO it's desperate and soooo OLD HOLLYWOOD...that's why he won't get any of my hard-earned $$$. He (for whatever reason) won't rely on his talent but has to go all dramatic and play the public like pawns.
Uhhh...not the kid (me, not Usher V lol)
Anytime a marriage disintegrates is sad..but some folks should NEVER get married in the first place.
Prayers for Usher V...I bet mama Usher is moon-walking like MJ on the roof right about now.
Stay tuned.

Come See What's Poppin'at Bria's Own Words, my OTHER blog!
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Please know...threats of hell and bible scriptures are futile-look at your church if you don't believe me! Get your 'body of christ' in order and then come talk to me.
Yours in Reason, Bria :)