Monday, November 26, 2007

Pay or Don't Come To This Church??

Drumbeat to my blogmama Lynn over at Hicktown Press , for bringing us an old article, yet new to many of us! Check out an interesting read from will this ever end? Below is the complete story, but here's the link if interested:

oh,It's Like That, Juanie B?

**Obviously it's an older story...look at the photo**

weeksbynum (13K)Church Sells Memberships

An eyewitness to one of many abominable mega-church worship practices has come forth to share with Afromerica an incident that should not go unnoticed or unpunished. While attending the church of Bishop Thomas Weeks and Juanita Bynum early Sunday morning, the witness said that sister Bynum told the prayer group that they needed to purchase a t-shirt with the church name on it. And if they did not purchase one, they could not attend next week's prayer meeting.

One does not have to be a religious holy roller or a Doctor of theology to know that no one has the authority to keep people from God's church. If they want to pray at church, there should be no purchasing prerequisites for doing so.

This witness also told that a few months ago while visiting the church, Bishop Weeks told the congregation that if they did not pay their tithes that day, that they would be receiving a letter in the mail at their home telling them they could no longer come to his church. Ain't this a blip? Who in hell (no pun intended) does he think he is?

So Afromerica decided to research this so-called mega-church of God. While visiting the church website, Afromerica discovered that this organization is not out for the purpose of saving souls, but obviously - by the set up of the website - to make money, money, money. Visit the site.

This type marketing and advertising of God's word is a disgrace to religion and a destructive force in the Black community. These people should be stoned, and yes, Afromerica said it. There is no fear of God's wrath against what we said because if God were a just God, he would know that this ministry of Weeks and Bynum is more of an abomination than telling the truth about it.

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Please know...threats of hell and bible scriptures are futile-look at your church if you don't believe me! Get your 'body of christ' in order and then come talk to me.

Yours in Reason, Bria :)