Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day...

This goes out to all Fathers, women who (by no choice of their own) have had to fill in and step into the role of daddy, since the men in their life chose to be gone in the wind, and to the men/women who may not have biological children...but have sure nuff encouraged, mentored, loved on, rebuked, encourage, built up, hugged, picked up, dropped off, given money to, kissed, cried for, hurt for..SHO' NUFF PRAYED for children of other people. Let the record are a parent too!

I take my hat off to you on this day...and I pray this day is as special for you, as you are to me!


Come See What's Poppin'at Bria's Own Words, my OTHER blog!

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Please know...threats of hell and bible scriptures are futile-look at your church if you don't believe me! Get your 'body of christ' in order and then come talk to me.

Yours in Reason, Bria :)