Showing posts with label child. Show all posts
Showing posts with label child. Show all posts

Monday, June 30, 2008

When WILL This Nicca Learn?!

What is dude's problem?!

This man has had more breaks than skateboarder Tony Hawk, and still he can't get it right.

He was not charged in Donda (Kanye's mother) death, and yet he still can't seem to handle his biz.

He can't quite lick his alkey (alcohol) problem, seeing as how he he has received yet another DUI charge.
And if that wasn't enuf...his medical license has been revoked (let the choir say "amen!") due to him being bootleg with his child support payments.
I'm glad he can't go 'chop-shoppin' on unsuspecting, non-researching prospective patients any longer.

This brotha' needs help.
*all images courtesy of Google Images*


Come See What's Poppin'at Bria's Own Words, my OTHER blog!

Kimora Got Over Like Fat Rat...

Update-Russell speaks:
In a letter addressed to critics, Simmons defends his child support ruling and explains the reasons he thinks it's appropriate. He stated the following:

Friends of mine have forwarded me gossip online about my custody agreement details with Kimora. The fact is, we’ve had a pretty good partnership at sharing the girls in the past.

There have been a few bumps in the road, and those bumps have led us to negotiate a minimum amount of time I’m guaranteed to see my kids. That deal is as follows: I have the girls one full week out of every eight, half of the summer, half of all the holidays, a full week at Christmas, and half of Spring Break.

Like in all good partnerships, contracts are meant to protect the partners but are usually not the only way the partners work together. If I show up in L.A., where she now lives, unannounced, I can call up Kimora and she will most likely send them right over. The same goes for when she comes to New York.

We have always had a school in New York and a school with the same curriculum in L.A., so when the girls are with me in New York, we can spend quality time together. I can get up with them, take them to school and just be together. Kimora consults with me about doctors or schools for the girls, but she’s always had final say in those areas. If we had an argument about a school, guess who’s going to win?

But there are other stipulations in our agreement where we have to make final decisions together. Anything having to do with business decisions pertaining to my kids cannot be done without my consent. I’ve also seen a lot about people reading into the supervised visits stipulation. Kimora travels with a security guard and a nanny.

In the past, she’s gotten really nervous that I never travel with security, so if it makes her more comfortable to have her security and a nanny with us when I’m with my kids, that’s OK with me. Finally, I want to say Kimora is an excellent mother and is doing a great job with them. My kids are studying a couple of foreign languages, they travel around the world, they practice yoga, ballet, swimming, karate and piano, among other things...sometimes I think they do too much, but I trust in Kimora on this because she IS a good mother.

Regarding the money, my kids live a tremendous life. They do have lots of security, nannies, educators, special programs, travel, chefs, on and on. Their mother manages all of those luxuries and I’m happy to provide for that.

With great love all things are possible.
Russell Simmons (source)

**And on that note, if he likes it-I LOVE IT! Thanks Shae-Shae!!**

Well dang!
You'd think after reading the documents pertaining to RussMora's chirren, Aoki & Ming were british royalty or at best, Bria's two beautiful babies!! lol

Not only does Kimora "The Neck" Simmons get to keep Baby Phat-but she's getting $40,000 per month for her two most precious commodities, err children.
Honestly, I'm wondering if the judge wasn't star struck:
-Buying a car valued AT NO LESS THAN $60,000 every 2 yrs for these kids to ride around in? So these little girls are above riding around in a Toyota Camry, a Ford Taurus, or a Honda?!
The Neck gets to choose the car, but Russell gets to pay the lease/car note/buy outight...and the $60k is counted as child support. So dividing the $60k over 2 yrs is $30k/ the neck's child support is actually $510k/yr.
-Additionally, until their New Jersey home is sold, Russell is to pay the Neck $18k/month-addtl child support.

She hit a lick for real!

Are these kids battling a bad crack habit we don't know about?
Obviously there is more to this story...esp since it's documented Russy can't be around his children w/out a nanny or w/out supervision.


This is an extreme case when it comes to child custody...however i do believe The Neck's move to Cali WAS TOTALLY STRATEGIC.
It's no secret that Cali is a 'woman's state.'

But in lookin at the docs, Russell signed 6 days BEFORE The Neck. Maybe he figured it was a small price to pay to be done with her...who knows.

I know The Neck isn't totally to blame...but i can't help but ask what in the world was the judge thinking.
view the documents, here

Come See What's Poppin'at Bria's Own Words, my OTHER blog!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Heath Ledger's Eulogy...

Blanchett gives Ledger eulogy

ACTRESS Cate Blanchett and Heath Ledger's parents and sister gave moving eulogies at the actor's memorial service in his hometown of Perth this afternoon.

More than 600 family and friends farewelled the Oscar-nominated actor at the service, held at Penrhos College, a private girls' school in the south Perth suburb of Como.

One of the mourners said Blanchett "gave a funny and moving eulogy about their times spent together''.

His sister Kate Ledger spoke beautifully about her childhood with him and how close she felt to him, the mourner said.

Ledger's parents Kim Ledger and Sally Ledger Bell also paid tribute to their son.

The program for the service read: "This room is filled with the love we all felt for a great friend who will be missed by all of us.

"We want to thank those of you who took care of him and participated in his beautiful life.''

Mourners watched family montages and a montage about Matilda, Ledger's two-year-old daughter with former fiancee, actor Michelle Williams.

Williams did not bring Matilda to the service at the school.

The service heard some of Ledger's favourite music including the song The Times Are A Changing by Bob Dylan.

His family and Williams left by a side entrance ahead of his private funeral service at Fremantle Cemetery, where it is understood a cremation service took place.

The family left in a convoy of four black BMWs.

A wake was expected to be held at a beachside restaurant in Perth today.

Earlier today, Kim Ledger told journalists the family was grateful for the support they had had from all over the world but wanted to grieve in private.

''... I just ask you if you wouldn't mind to respect our privacy.

"The funeral will be very, very private. There will only be 10 people there, immediate family and nobody else.''

Mr Ledger said the family appreciated the outpouring of grief from around the world.

"It's a pretty sad time and we're finding it difficult to cope by ourselves, let alone cope with everybody around the world.

"Having said that we do really appreciate the outpouring and the emotional support from all over the world, which, suffice to say, we're luckier than most families, most families that are in our position, our grieving position, don't have that kind of support.

"So thank you all very much. That's all I've got to say.''

Ledger, 28, an Oscar nominee in 2006 for Brokeback Mountain, was found dead in his Manhattan apartment on January 22.

The New York Medical Examiner's Office ruled Ledger died from an accidental overdose of prescription medications source

Doesn't this baby look EXACTLY LIKE HEATH?!
It's hard enough grieving the early passing of her child's father, and realizing she won't remember him-but having to grieve when the baby LOOKS JUST LIKE HIM has to be doubly hard! You're looking at pics, magz, crying and crying and then his "mini-me" comes running up to you saying "mama, dada" and you just start bawling.
Same thing with Courtney Love and Frances Bean. Grieving while caring for her baby who looks EXACTLY LIKE Kurt Cobain-it's gotta be unreal!

(tormented rocker, Kurt Cobain)

(tortured entertainer Courtney Love-Cobain's widow, and daughter Frances Bean)
Frances Bean looks like she's doing alright. She's hanging in there. :)

**scroll to the bottom and get Recognizd! Sign my "Slide Guestbook!**

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Letting Go Is The Hardest Part....

A piece of my heart is in Cali...

Last night, 01.19.08, I watched a piece of my heart board a plane to California.
My daughter Nesa, felt impeded living in Mi, and as a show of support I offered to help remedy that.
In venting to my lil sis-who comments on here as " Yo' Sista" (she's so original, lol)-she offered to help my baby, by offering her home to her.
It was sooo unexpected I broke down in tears. (yes, I did)
In what had to be the quickest passage of time, 30 days came and went, and it was time to drive my baby to the airport.
She chose the right day-so far it was the coldest day of 2008. A bitter, wintry cold that meant uncertain death for some unfortunate souls.

My daughter is the spitting image of me.

Her face is her father's, but my daughter is a WWC (Women With Curves) member-like mommy, but not only that:
she loves hard
she's loyal
loves to laugh
is staunch in her opinions
stands by her convictions
a procrastinator :)
is smart
will apologize if she's offended
fights for the underdog
believes it takes a village to raise a child
doesn't like change, but will change eventually
needs to know (by verbal and physical actions) that she's loved
needs encouragement and guidance
and is crazy in love with Christ.

(fuzzy pic, but look how much taller my daughter is!!)
Our relationship is a testimony to Christ.

We've been thru hell and high water as our relationship did a nosedive into hatred and rebellion, which in turn lead to an extremely tumultuous period during her teenage years (14-17).
She blamed me for her life, and her father's lack of participation in said life.
She strongly disliked me and vice versa.
She's lived between my home and her paternal aunt.
We survived.
Things changed on her graduation day from high school.
She thanked me for raising her, and for my not allowing her to be a wildchild on the street.
I've since had to step back and watch her evolve into the woman that God not mom, has called her to be.

(Nesa w/ Mama Ivent-mama took Nesa's leaving worse than I did!)
Lil' Mama,
I know you'll read this-
(since you've already checked in YBR! Thanks 4 leaving mom a comment!)
I want you to know as I've said a million times, I AM SO PROUD OF U!
Do NOT let people's negative actions, words or deeds-clip your wings!

Nesa, you are an Eagle, so soarrrrrr!

Remember just as the Eagle has these characteristics, so do you-
  • Have Vision: Continue to see into your future. Remain focused, and continue to write the vision down and make it plain so God can manifest it. Think BIG if you want BIG RESULTS!!
  • Eagles NEVER eat dead meat: Go where the action is. You're the hunter-don't let someone do the work and you get the leftovers. Go after what it is you want!
  • Looks for and flies into storms: Don't let this scare you! Eagles use the storm to lift him to these great heights. You, Nesa will use storms (challenges) to make you a better person. How will you know your resilience-if you're not bent and bounced around by life, sometimes?? Accept the storms (challenges) you can't stop them from happening. You'll grow to learn this: storms are tools used to develop you.
  • *Remember: life at times is like driving on a sheet of ice on MI streets. You can't keep your car from sliding, but you can keep it from getting worse. Do you remember how? Stay calm, take your foot off the brake, and turn the steering wheel in the same direction as the skid (storm), not the opposite. In other words, work with the storm, skid, challenge-don't fight it. You'll only prolong the skid, and it can end disastrously.*
  • Are Very Gentle & Attentive To (Their) Young: Nesa, God has imparted into you a great love for young people. You know what they need, when they need it. Continue to love, hug, kiss, and encourage young people. Especially those whose only point of contact may be you. I've observed you with pride as you've interacted with children, and in speaking with friends,I've referred to you as the Pied Piper of Children. Your loyalty knows no bounds and thank you for getting little kids ready for school when their mamas' wouldn't. You've combed hair, gotten them dressed, seen them off to bus stops, and were home when they arrived from school. All this and you have no children of your own. You are such a blessing! You may have grown weary, but you never fainted, and God will reward your faithfulness and diligence. Eagle Characteristics
As I've said to you and your brother, "I didn't raise y'all, y'all raised me!" lol
I thank God for my two motivators and I can't wait to see you in Cali.
Thank you, my China doll for allowing me the privilege of being your mother.

You'll always inspire me to be and do better.
Love you Shmeeny,
Mommy :)

Sunday, November 11, 2007

*Yawn* They Had A Boy...

Congrats to the Hasselbecks on their 7lb 15oz, son. source

baby Hasselbeck's first name was not known at press time! (haha--i'm with the press heehee)

Elisabeth Hasselbeck is like Nyquil to me...she makes me sleepy, but there's someone out here in in YBR-land who wants to know about her.
Glad I'm at work when the View comes on-as if she doesn't have enough topics to speak on.

And yes, I'm a mother.

Mothers--most of the time the only people who find your baby fascinating is-you, husband (boyfrien), and grandparents (extended family).

Monday, November 05, 2007

Amanda, Why did you kill Devon???

Mother Charged With Murder In Child's Death

GREENVILLE, S.C. -- The Greenville County Sheriff's Office said Monday that murder charges have been filed against the mother of a 7-year-old boy, who told investigators that her child was smothered by a carjacker.

VIDEO: News 4 Interview With Devon Epps' Father
VIDEO: Sheriff Steve Loftis Statement On Investigation

Devon Epps died from asphyxiation due to neck compression on Aug. 12.
Greenville County Sheriff Steve Loftis said that the child's mother, Amanda Smith, was arrested and charged Monday and is jailed at the county detention center without bond.
Smith was arrested Monday at work at a restaurant on East North Street.

Loftis made the announcement Monday afternoon at a news conference outside the Greenville County Law Enforcement Center, flanked by investigators and 13th Circuit Solicitor Bob Ariail, who will prosecute the case.

Smith told Greenville County investigators in August that a man with a knife forced his way into her car on an Interstate 85 frontage road and smothered the child with a pillow in the back seat.
She gave a sketch artist a description of a man she said killed her child, but investigators came up empty in their search, following more than 60 possible leads.

But Loftis said that Smith's account of the story did not hold up under investigation and that information deputies gathered kept pointing back to her as the likely killer.

"As the investigation progressed ... we kept running into dead ends," Loftis said. "Every thing we found out kept pointing back to Amanda Smith."
Since her son's death, Smith has not spoken publicly about the case.
Devon's grandfather, Thomas Epps, said that the arrest was not a shock.

"No I'm not surprised. I knew all along she done it," Epps said. "I said in my heart I knew she done it."

A month ago, Devon's great aunt had gone on cable television to say that there were holes in the story Smith told investigators about his death.
Diane Jacques talked to CNN host Nancy Grace in September about her nephew's unsolved homicide.

"What person's going to take the time out to roll the windows up and lock the door," Jacques said. "And describing the guy as being so many feet high and 200 pounds in her car in the back seat. There's no way."
Only God in heaven can judge, but I do ask this question:
What in the world, could Devon had possibly done that would cause his mother to kill him?
My son and I viewed Devon's pic (above) and I said Devon looks like the kind of kid you could sit on the couch, watch videos with, share a bag of micro popcorn and kick your feet up on the coffee table. My son agreed. He looks like he had a hearty laugh too :)
Why didn't she just give Devon to his dad??
Only Amanda can answer the question.
I also would be interested to know the description of the "imaginary carjacker."
Like my friend Nat says, "it'll all come out in the wash."
Devon, r.i.p.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Chester "the Molester"-literally, Has Been Caught!! Now We Can Sleep!

Fugitive accused of raping tot captured
source: Yahoo News (edited for space by Ivent)

Chester "Chet" Arthur Stiles, 37, was pulled over late Monday in Henderson for not having a license plate. He admitted his identity after police said his license looked suspicious.
"He said, 'I'm Chester Stiles, the guy you're looking for,'" Henderson police Officer Mike Dye said. "He said, 'I'm tired of running.'"
Las Vegas police Capt. Vincent Cannito said Stiles has been wanted since Oct. 5 on warrants issued for 21 felony charges in connection with the acts seen on the videotape. The charges include lewdness with a minor, sexual assault and attempted sexual assault.
The videotape, found in the rural Nevada town of Pahrump last month, had prompted an equally intense search for the young girl who appeared in it. Police with little to go on had encouraged news organizations to broadcast the haunting image of the 3-year-old. When the now-7-year-old was found on Sept. 28, authorities shifted their resources to finding Stiles.
Dye said he stopped Stiles at about 7 p.m. on a busy thoroughfare just outside Las Vegas driving a white sedan with no license plates.
Stiles, who had been portrayed by authorities as a dangerous, knife-wielding survivalist, provided an expired California drivers license with a photo that Dye said looked "suspicious."
"The picture on the license didn't quite match the gentleman in the vehicle," Dye said.
After further questioning, the officer said Stiles revealed his true name. Dye said Stiles cooperated and didn't resist. Dye called for backup and another officer arrived to handcuff Stiles.
Stiles was booked at the Clark County jail. He had not yet hired a lawyer or been assigned a court date, police said.
Stiles was already wanted on state and federal warrants in a case alleging he groped a 6-year-old girl in 2003. Police had received hundreds of tips on Stiles, who they believed might be dangerous and possibly armed based on earlier arrests.
Stiles' previous arrests included charges of assault, battery, resisting a police officer, auto theft, leaving the scene of an accident and contempt of court, authorities said.
He was convicted in 1999 in Las Vegas of carrying a concealed weapon, and in 2001 of conspiracy to commit grand larceny. Police were also looking into an allegation that he had sexually assaulted a young girl in 2001.
Nye County District Attorney Bob Beckett had said he was told Stiles was a "survivalist type" who always carried knife and had a Navy SEAL background.
The man who turned in the videotape, Darrin Tuck, 26, was arrested on a probation violation charge, and was likely to face pornography charges, Beckett said.

Monday, October 15, 2007

*Yawn* Not that Anyone Cares or Anything...

**In addition to my sis Lynn, over at, another friend of mine's, a coworker, has proved to be vital in my life. Because of her love and support, I choose to honor her on Mondays...we always talk about Hollywood while at work, so I deem Mondays as "M.M. Mondays," after my girl, M.M. I will post mostly about celebrities in honor of M.M.-Ivent **

Hasselbeck Ready to Pop

"View" fans take note: you've got less than a month with your beloved Elisabeth Hasselbeck (pic, r) before she goes on extended pregnancy leave. The blonde conserva-mom -- who already has a daughter with former football-playing hubby Tim Hasselbeck -- is preggo with her second child, and Hasselbeck's spokesperson says Lizzy will be taking leave starting November 8 or 9.

Who's Whoopi going to argue with now?To satiate your Hasselbeck desires, "The View" will have a series of celeb co-hosts in her place.

Why they had to release a statement saying she was going on maternity leave is beyond me. Isn't it kind of THE RULE to go on maternity leave when you're pregnant? *yawn* That chile, just bores me to no end.
Arriverderci, sayonara, adios, hola, au revoir, kick rocks, and be gone already!!
Ivent :)