Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I hope this passes...

'DONDA WEST LAW' TO BE PROPOSED IN CALI: Bill would require patients to get medical clearance before undergoing plastic surgery.

*A California Assemblywoman is sponsoring new legislation that would require all patients receiving elective plastic surgery to receive clearance from a licensed doctor.

On behalf of Kanye West's family, Assemblywoman Wilmer Amina Carter announced Friday (Feb. 22) that she has proposed the "Donda West Law," which would allow doctors to ensure that patients are healthy enough to endure the potential rigors of general anesthesia.

"Most people who do cosmetic surgery are certified and do a good job, and they do require patients to have physicals," Carter told the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin on Friday. "But some do not, and as we have seen, it can cause problems, and that's why we want to make this a requirement across the state."

Dr. Donda West, the mother of Kanye West, died Nov. 10 at a hospital in Los Angeles a day after undergoing breast reduction surgery, a tummy tuck and liposuction. An autopsy revealed she likely died of heart disease, coupled with complications after the surgery, "but the final manner of death could not be determined," the report concluded.

Yolanda Anderson, a niece of Donda West, reached out to Carter to suggest the legislation.

"I didn't want her death to be in vain," said Anderson, 45. "I wanted her name to live on so this wouldn't happen to other people."

Anderson said she spoke with Kanye on Friday afternoon while he's on tour in Australia and told him of Carter's involvement.

"He is ecstatic and very grateful," Anderson said. "He said, 'You started this. Now run with it and let me know how I can help."'

Anderson said there's an effort to get similar legislation pushed in Illinois, where Dr. West lived for many years, as well as Oklahoma, where she was born. Kanye West also suggested New York, where his mother did business on his behalf. source

Countless lives will be saved. I sure hope this passes!

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Please know...threats of hell and bible scriptures are futile-look at your church if you don't believe me! Get your 'body of christ' in order and then come talk to me.

Yours in Reason, Bria :)